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    Wednesday, April 15, 2009

    NSPortal is fail

    1. It is not standards-compliant
    2. It only supports Internet Explorer, which has a reputation of being poor in security
    3. From the source, it appears that quite some redundant data is delivered to users through comments, hence slowing the loading of pages < what was I thinking when I said this? >
    4. I don't have Windows easily accessible, and hence no Internet Explorer
    5. Countless other people do not use Internet Explorer as well
    6. Even IE8 does not show the page well when not in compatibility mode < edit Here too?! >
    It makes me really frustrated to see a government service poorly done. Being non-standards-compliant means that the organization is making things difficult for users to share their content and ideas. Microsoft realizes that it cannot continue being non-standards-compliant, hence it started to support web standards with IE8. I would like all other organizations to follow likewise.

    <edit> NSPortal now supports Firefox. I admit I was a very pissed off at having to re-boot into Windows and use Internet Explorer. The webbie still doesn't do well in text-only browser lynx though *grin* mebbye we could try supporting that now. But good job guys; now the Mac users can use it. (And Linux users too) < /edit >

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