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    Saturday, November 28, 2009

    Copyrighted or Public Domain?

    We know that you cannot copy a book word for word, because that is protected under the author's copyright. However, you can copy the ideas presented in the book, paraphrasing the original author's words, and that will be legal.

    But what about music? If I transcribe one person's sheet music into another notation, a process that effectively transforms the original transcriber's 'words' that effectively retains the author's ideas, will that be legal? Or will the case of music have the arrangement and order of the notes be the author's implementation rather than ideas?

    And what about programming? As copyrights do not extend to the ideas, that is the inherent loginc of the statement, surely I can change the variable names and the construct names and call it my own. But what is the legality of it, actually?

    I am not a lawyer. D: