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    Friday, February 13, 2009

    With great wisdom or power or love comes great responsibility

    Say this pledge out loud :D

    1. My life is mine because of the altruism of my benefactors.
    2. My luxury is mine because of the altruism of my benefactors.
    3. I shall always seek to pass my benefit to others.
    4. I shall not receive thanks or thank another till all others eligible has recieved my benefit.
    5. I shall always remind and encourage one another to benefit first those most in need.
    6. I shall always thirst for knowledge and ideas.
    7. I shall always be skeptical of the knowledge and ideas I recieve; I must always distill opinions I hears about into their building blocks and test them against the scientific method, history and literature, in that order of precedence, to see if the idea is permanent and sustainable.
    8. I shall always seek real-world applications for the ideas that I discover, and attempt to benefit everybody from these ideas

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