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    Friday, October 24, 2008

    You know, this is one of those days

    When you feel that "life"is extremely un-fulfilling, like? Especially during times when nobody gives you any emotional support and whatever you do, no matter if it is labeled "entertainment" or not, seems so totally not fun at all? Today was one such day. At least, this morning.

    On an offside, I just realized as I am typing this that 2 days ago some acquaintance's friend of mine attempted suicide. I wonder how he turned out. If I knew him I'd go over to give him a beating. He doesn't deserve to throw his life away and leave us motherfuckers stranded on an increasingly rebellous Earth, when he should instead take responsibility to change everybody else to his ideal person.

    OK. So the burning question is, how did I get better? Simple. Months ago, I wrote a to-do list listing down all that I wanted to achieve before I die. It's the most ambitious thing I'd bothered to write. I'd be happy to achieve about 20% of it. But y'know, I'd be happy to achieve 20% of it but I aim to achieve 200% of it.

    So here goes, in all its cheeziness.

    * Here I will list my dreams. No "it's impossible" thoughts. Because that's what makes people fail.
    * Live a long, rich life
    o Live to at least 80 years
    # Except for the days of fun where I don't adhere to normal schedules (I like a life where I get 3h dreamy sleep, 5h fun, 6h deep sleep, 10h frustration)
    + Be at least 7/8 as obsessed about health as my mother
    + Have livable eyesight
    + Have a healthy heart (1/3 of women die of heart attacks, y'know)
    # Exercise at least once a week
    o Live a frustrating life
    + Start a family
    + Get people to shed off their masks
    o Live a happy life
    + Dream a lot
    + Have a college life like no other
    # Do homework happily because it's the rape equivalent of thoughts (like it or not, you still have to do it)
    # Be an honest dreamer, not a critical pretender (I percieve a lot of students I meet \as being like that, pretending all the time)
    + Have fun in NS
    + Correct and empathize with others, and help them
    + Find happiness in everything
    + Be a Humanitarian
    + Be non-obsessive with convenience (sadly, this is the era where people don't see any point of eating out if food can be delivered to their homes)
    + Be non-obsessive with hygiene (some people really take it too far)
    + For my first job, ask if I can be promoted or get a salary increment if I can complete tasks in 2/3 the time of others and 4/3 the quality of others (I have it in me, what with my uber-concentration and perfectionism)
    o Have a capable yet practical material life
    + Be a philanthropist
    + Sample country life
    + Cozy small 2-room condominium once I get a job
    + Home entertainment system, but only as far as I will use them (read: non-obsessive)
    + Have such professions at some point of my life:
    # Psychiatrist
    # Computer Programmer
    # System Engineer
    # Voluntary Counselor
    # Homemaker
    # Author
    * Fantasy--Sci-fi fiction
    * Socially critical non-fiction
    + Have knowledge in these fields:
    # Psychology
    # Computer Science
    # Biology
    # Homemaking (d'oh!)
    # Language
    * Chinese--I'll have to re-study this one all over again once I have time
    # Mathematics
    # Philosophy
    # Physics
    # Anthropology
    o Live in the future and extrapolate to the present, because the present is always too dull

    I feel better already : D

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