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    Saturday, December 6, 2008


    This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

    Monday, November 24, 2008

    What the agnostic is saying

    I believe that in the real world, agnostics are viewed with skepticism. I mean, why would you respect a person who chooses to "weasel" out on religion?

    After reading an article which used the word agnostic as a metaphor, I realized that there can be a different perspective on agnostics. Specifically, "agnostic" was thus used "a platform-agnostic OS".

    The usual description of such an OS would be "platform-independent"

    And then I realized. Agnostic may not really mean "I don't care about religion"

    It may mean "It doesn't matter what religion the world subscribes to, I am myself, and will function equally well as a human being no matter what religion you are. I am independent of religion; religion-independent."

    Agnostics FTW.

    Update: Agnostics FTW, as long as they aren't human.

    Friday, October 24, 2008

    You know, this is one of those days

    When you feel that "life"is extremely un-fulfilling, like? Especially during times when nobody gives you any emotional support and whatever you do, no matter if it is labeled "entertainment" or not, seems so totally not fun at all? Today was one such day. At least, this morning.

    On an offside, I just realized as I am typing this that 2 days ago some acquaintance's friend of mine attempted suicide. I wonder how he turned out. If I knew him I'd go over to give him a beating. He doesn't deserve to throw his life away and leave us motherfuckers stranded on an increasingly rebellous Earth, when he should instead take responsibility to change everybody else to his ideal person.

    OK. So the burning question is, how did I get better? Simple. Months ago, I wrote a to-do list listing down all that I wanted to achieve before I die. It's the most ambitious thing I'd bothered to write. I'd be happy to achieve about 20% of it. But y'know, I'd be happy to achieve 20% of it but I aim to achieve 200% of it.

    So here goes, in all its cheeziness.

    * Here I will list my dreams. No "it's impossible" thoughts. Because that's what makes people fail.
    * Live a long, rich life
    o Live to at least 80 years
    # Except for the days of fun where I don't adhere to normal schedules (I like a life where I get 3h dreamy sleep, 5h fun, 6h deep sleep, 10h frustration)
    + Be at least 7/8 as obsessed about health as my mother
    + Have livable eyesight
    + Have a healthy heart (1/3 of women die of heart attacks, y'know)
    # Exercise at least once a week
    o Live a frustrating life
    + Start a family
    + Get people to shed off their masks
    o Live a happy life
    + Dream a lot
    + Have a college life like no other
    # Do homework happily because it's the rape equivalent of thoughts (like it or not, you still have to do it)
    # Be an honest dreamer, not a critical pretender (I percieve a lot of students I meet \as being like that, pretending all the time)
    + Have fun in NS
    + Correct and empathize with others, and help them
    + Find happiness in everything
    + Be a Humanitarian
    + Be non-obsessive with convenience (sadly, this is the era where people don't see any point of eating out if food can be delivered to their homes)
    + Be non-obsessive with hygiene (some people really take it too far)
    + For my first job, ask if I can be promoted or get a salary increment if I can complete tasks in 2/3 the time of others and 4/3 the quality of others (I have it in me, what with my uber-concentration and perfectionism)
    o Have a capable yet practical material life
    + Be a philanthropist
    + Sample country life
    + Cozy small 2-room condominium once I get a job
    + Home entertainment system, but only as far as I will use them (read: non-obsessive)
    + Have such professions at some point of my life:
    # Psychiatrist
    # Computer Programmer
    # System Engineer
    # Voluntary Counselor
    # Homemaker
    # Author
    * Fantasy--Sci-fi fiction
    * Socially critical non-fiction
    + Have knowledge in these fields:
    # Psychology
    # Computer Science
    # Biology
    # Homemaking (d'oh!)
    # Language
    * Chinese--I'll have to re-study this one all over again once I have time
    # Mathematics
    # Philosophy
    # Physics
    # Anthropology
    o Live in the future and extrapolate to the present, because the present is always too dull

    I feel better already : D

    I am wisest when I am semi-awake in the morning.

    Weird, but hey it's true for me. When I'm semi-awake, I think of many things. But raw thoughts happen so fast and weirdly, that when I word it in English, the thought is already half flown away. But recently I've been learning to pay attention, despite my drowsy semi-awake state. When I start to awaken, I start to try to remember -- brush my teeth, breakfast, bath, have a drink, what to do next, blah, blah, blah, that I can no longer gather my deepest thoughts.

    When I'm semi-awake, I think of what I really feel that I need to do next. When I'm full awake, I think -- how will this affect my future? How will others perceive me? Will the other people affected see it as an insult? If so, try to subtly hint instead of saying up front. What can I start doing next? Is this beneficial for the future me? Does this contradict my past actions? -- in the end, I cannot realize what I have to do next.

    So here, are 3 thoughts that occurred to me. One was a few days before, the other two today. I make my bravest decisions while half-awake.

    Like how the other day I realized and told myself I was going to do my HW ASAP and get it over and done with. I remembered that, and surprisingly carried it out.

    Like how today I wondered, if there was a pizza of radius 12cm that rotated 90 degrees in 15 secs, and there was a slicer that moved in at 12 cm per 15 secs, what shape would the slicer trace out in the pizza? (this thought was conjured in 0.5 secs, mind you)

    Like how today I realized that I have to confess that I am very avoidant and afraid of intimacy, and how under-appreciated I feel, instead of trying to find a way to subtly hint at all these.

    That was REALLY like. This is REALLY like like.

    waccit to ze end.

    I just thought this up.

    It's waaay more fun to be interested in your serious stuff than to be serious in your interesting stuff.

    More copy-paste, because this is so me.

    That is where corn chips come from. Hmm... Maybe ol' Professor Hardwood is onto something. He probably really loves corn. And all corn-related products. I mean, isn't that what you're supposed to put in a frame? Things you love? I'm gonna do that. When I'm get home, I'm gonna frame a bunch of stuff I love. Like lasagna. I LOVE lasagna. It's SO good. And cheesy. You know who else loves lasagna? Garfield. Man, that cat really loves lasagna. Maybe I should put a picture of Garfield in a frame. You know, as a kind of shorthand way of saying "I love lasagna." That would be so fucking inside. Or how 'bout a photo of PRESIDENT Garfield? Oh shit, that would be totally meta! People would be all like, "Jane, why do you have a photo of President Garfield on your mantle?" And I'd be like, "Because I like lasagna, of course."

    —Jane, while staring at a framed ear of corn,Smiley Face

    I really, really, REALLY, REALLY like this vid.

    And I like fun guys and people.

    I really, really, REALLY, like this pic. (and that tiny flirtatious mouth)

    And I cannot lie?

    Question? Answer!

    Question: Why do serious people receive so little attention and go under-appreciated for their work?

    Answer: Because it is simple people that lack foresight or ambition and seek to have fun every present moment that are so alike in their lack of focus that they can hold a conversation on any general, unfocused method of enjoyment who tend to group together, being so similar in their laxness and ease of comprehension of the topic of conversation. As such, fun-loving, outgoing people tend to receive much attention, while the serious ones who do not like to help unfocused individuals such as the former tend to stick to their own way of doing things and end up so disconnected from the General Thought that their conversations tend towards alien topics that few can comment on. Both have their trade-offs; the serious ones has more control over his/her general direction in life, as well as being able to learn more about the world, while the lax ones tend to have more friends who will offer them help, despite trading control for merry.

    In the end, the attention and appreciation the serious ones are missing out on is the attention given by the merry people. Better for these serious people to stick to a minority their own variety.

    Of course, I, being a manipulative and power-hungry person, am totally biased towards serious and individualistic.

    Who are you?

    This happened just now:

    **phone rings**


    (a child's voice, probably my little brother's friend and confused) Huh?


    Who are you?

    Who are you? You know, you should give your own name before asking for others'.

    I'm sorry. I can't talk to you.

    Mr dear over-protective parents, thank you for telling your kids not to "talk to strangers". I am very confident that at the time they reach the age of 16, their contact information will be all over the Internet, where and when there are no evil strangers to kidnap them and your kids are old enough to think for themselves.

    In future your kids may become social morons who are uncomfortable around new people, consequentially resulting in poorer job positions. Or maybe bullied by other kids simply because they do not wish to talk to others.

    The slightly more correct thing to teach your child is, "don't follow strangers". It's stupid to tell your child not to talk to strangers. I mean, what if they get lost?

    (upon seeing boy sniffling) Boy, are you lost?

    Sorry, I can't talk to you.

    Where are your parents?

    Sorry, I really cannot talk to you.

    Can I help you find your parents?

    Sorry, I cannot talk to you.

    Can I help you find your parents?

    Can I help you find your parents?

    Sorry, I cannot talk to you.

    Or, if someone calls,

    Is this the [surname]'s family?

    ... yes.

    Are you [boy's name]?

    Sorry, I cannot talk to you.

    Wednesday, October 22, 2008

    I post this only because I refuse to eat my words

    (22:04:15) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):

    (22:04:38) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    she skipped the ecchi parts though orz

    (22:05:04) Nothing's gonna stop me anymore when I want to be infantile.:
    I'll borrow

    (22:05:07) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):

    (22:05:08) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    how long

    (22:05:22) Nothing's gonna stop me anymore when I want to be infantile.:
    I'll return you after my birthday.

    (22:05:26) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):

    (22:05:28) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    which is?

    (22:06:13) Nothing's gonna stop me anymore when I want to be infantile.:
    google the day XXXXXXXXXX bombed

    (22:06:50) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):

    (22:06:51) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    no thx

    (22:07:17) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    i'll lend them to you on december 6th then

    (22:07:48) Nothing's gonna stop me anymore when I want to be infantile.:
    kkk I'll borrow the books 11 nov, return 2 dec. k?

    (22:07:56) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):

    (22:08:04) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    who takes a month to read 4 freaking books

    (22:08:18) Nothing's gonna stop me anymore when I want to be infantile.:
    dood. it's 3 weeks

    (22:08:23) Nothing's gonna stop me anymore when I want to be infantile.:
    not 4 weeks

    (22:08:26) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):

    (22:08:35) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    just scan them all and return in a week

    (22:09:13) Nothing's gonna stop me anymore when I want to be infantile.:
    I can return you 28 nov

    (22:09:21) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):

    (22:09:36) Nothing's gonna stop me anymore when I want to be infantile.:

    (22:09:41) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):

    (22:09:59) Nothing's gonna stop me anymore when I want to be infantile.:
    I'll leave my IC with you!

    (22:10:02) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):

    (22:10:28) Nothing's gonna stop me anymore when I want to be infantile.:
    I'll. Watch the anime you wanted me to watch?

    (22:10:35) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):

    (22:11:04) Nothing's gonna stop me anymore when I want to be infantile.:
    I'll spend more time with you.

    (22:11:09) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):

    (22:11:29) Nothing's gonna stop me anymore when I want to be infantile.:
    You're putting me in a tight spot.

    (22:11:38) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):

    (22:11:48) Nothing's gonna stop me anymore when I want to be infantile.:
    That was a statement.

    (22:11:51) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    i read 1 book a day

    (22:11:59) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    i dont see why 4 books will take more than 2 week

    (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<) is no longer away.

    (22:12:43) Nothing's gonna stop me anymore when I want to be infantile.:
    Did your mother spend 3 days to finish reading all your books to you?

    (22:12:49) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):

    (22:12:52) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    2days a book

    (22:13:05) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    you are 16

    (22:13:07) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    not 9


    (22:15:29) Nothing's gonna stop me anymore when I want to be infantile.:
    You see, I'm sorry I kept this from you, but I am a father with an illegitimate child. It's shocking, yeah. That's why I didn't say this earlier. My... child is merely newborn , so I'll expect it'll take him years to actually be able to read the comic, and not just a few days. Right now, I'm intending to let him see the pictures first.

    (22:15:41) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    good luck

    (22:15:45) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    mata ashita~

    (22:15:56) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    oh my

    (22:16:01) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    i;m a MOTHER with 2 child

    (22:16:21) Nothing's gonna stop me anymore when I want to be infantile.:

    (22:16:27) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):

    (22:16:35) Nothing's gonna stop me anymore when I want to be infantile.:

    (22:16:37) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    probably some wild youkai or something

    (22:17:01) Nothing's gonna stop me anymore when I want to be infantile.:
    Fuuko: "Is it true??!?!?!"

    (22:17:08) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):

    (22:17:23) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    unless your iq is ridiculously low, yup its true

    (22:18:06) Nothing's gonna stop me anymore when I want to be infantile.:
    One of my friends like to say I have a 4-digit iq! Is that low?

    (22:18:10) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):

    (22:18:14) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):

    (22:18:16) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    thats abnormal

    (22:18:24) Nothing's gonna stop me anymore when I want to be infantile.:
    so it isn't true?

    (22:18:28) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    you are indeed a new definition of an epic fail

    (22:18:34) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    is wasnt true

    (22:18:42) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    im just a normal half human half youkai

    (22:18:50) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    with split personality

    (22:18:52) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):

    (22:19:12) Nothing's gonna stop me anymore when I want to be infantile.:
    I'm sooo going to post this on my blog.

    (22:19:18) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):

    (22:19:20) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    go ahead

    (22:19:29) (>゚∀゚>) さいせき 門 ぢらく!: Quiz Magic Academy ova FTW! if need me orz :V (<゚∀゚<):
    tell your mom i said hi

    Tuesday, October 21, 2008

    Typical Saturday, except not mine.


    Wake up around 10am, shower, do my makeup, mess around on computer,
    consider what i'd like for lunch, go back to messing around on computer,
    consider yet again what i want to eat, fix myself up, drive to mcdonalds, eat,
    watch some tv, computer again, consider going shopping, watch some more tv,
    decide not to go shopping, make some eggs, think of what i'm going to do that
    night, call the bf, bf doesn't answer as he's watching football, wait around
    5-10 hrs for the bf to call back, make plans for dinner, plans get canceled, i
    get pissed, go get something else to eat, feel gross, wash my face, brush my
    teeth, mess around on computer, watch the food network, take some sleeping
    pills, fall asleep. Repeat.


    Ethics and mathematics

    "Half of the world's problems would go away if people simply accepted that other people live by their own very different ethics."

    "Oh really? I think there's something seriously wrong with you to be saying such an amoral principle."

    "You see? Like I said. Half of the world's problems would go away if people simply accepted that other people live by their own very different ethics."

    "The chess player gives away the queen to win the game, but the mathematician gives away the entire game." -- Someone whose name I don't remember.

    Monday, October 20, 2008

    Draw this:

    |x|² − 2√3|x|y + 7y² ≤ 9

    For the cheater: An ellipse, with a vertical major axis 6 and horizontal minor axis 2, then rotated pi/6 radians clockwise, then with the right side reflected across the line x=0.

    Sunday, October 19, 2008

    The Ant and The Grasshopper: What Happened Later

    Extended from Jacob's translation, 1894 (only because he didn't kill the Grasshopper, or there wouldn't be much of a What Happened Later ; D)

    The Ant and the Grasshopper

    In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content. An Ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest.

    "Why not come and chat with me," said the Grasshopper, "instead of toiling and moiling in that way?"

    "I am helping to lay up food for the winter," said the Ant, "and recommend you to do the same."

    "Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper; "we have got plenty of food at present." But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil. When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of hunger, while it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. Then the Grasshopper knew:

    It is best to prepare for the days of necessity.

    What Happened Later...

    As the winter thickened, the Grasshopper grew weak and weary, frail and thin, light as a blade of grass, for it had no stash of food to subsist on. One freezing day, it grew so weak it could not even get up. The Ant, ever the resourceful one it was, brought the Grasshopper back inside its underground abode, for the Grasshopper had conveniently collapsed in front of the anthill1, and the Ant mistook it for a carcass, so fresh and juicy it was an unpardonable waste to leave lying around outside, so close to its home the carcass was; and the Ant cached the Grasshopper among its many stores.

    1 (The Grasshopper went there earlier that day in the hopes that an ant would come out, notice the Grasshopper, take pity on the Grasshopper and feed the Grasshopper)

    The cozy warmth of the depths of the anthill brought color back into the cheeks of the Grasshopper. So deep below the topsoil, barely enough light filtered through to illuminate the tunnels. But lo and behold, where the Grasshopper woke up, it was at the foot of a mountain of puffy, hard whitish things that smelt strongly of... food. Starving and in its half-awake state, the Grasshopper dreamily helped itself to the oh, so glorious food that the ants had toiled the entire summer to save up. Corn, it was. Its physical needs less immediate, the Grasshopper started to notice its surroundings. The whitish things looked like the things he usually saw in the sky, and everything else was darkness. To the Grasshopper, the omega-6 fatty acids in the corn was food for thought, and the Grasshopper thought it was Heaven, and that he was on one of the clouds in heaven; but then he detected a silver of gold on the cloud. So clouds are golden on top and silver below and tasted like corn! Then he realized that the place smelt strongly of the Earth. In horror, he blurted out, "Had the sky come crashing down to Earth already? I thought that Chicken Licken was lying!" But then, he assembled together and looked at the big picture and realized that he was probably underground on Earth. after all, he had gone to the anthill is hopes of receiving food. If that is so, underground Earth is better than Heaven, for it was familiar and unassuming; the Grasshopper could see how the golden piles of corn were stored in a chamber as unpretentious as it never thought possible, with highly-textured walls that were indeed beautiful, but seemed like a by-product of laborious manual carving by creatures that had neither ill intent nor fantasies of luster rather than the the houses of other creatures above the surface made of wooden twigs lined with cheap ocher wallpaper mass-produced by dung beetles it was all so used to seeing; and also because the piles of corn were so badly laid out it seemed that the creatures which carved out this chamber had no sense of aesthetic balance, only aesthetic detail and convenience, exactly the opposite focus of aesthetic attention as compared to the beasts above ground.When it was full, the Grasshopper tunneled into the hills of corn and slept blanketed all over in the very treasure that it had so terribly longed for just hours ago. The Grasshopper was still afraid to set foot on the darkness, for it was not certain that this was not Hell, for it was slightly too warm here. All the better for coziness, it thought, as it fell into deep sleep. The Grasshopper dreamed that he was sleeping among the clouds of underground Heaven.

    Imagine to what horror and shock it was that an Ant, discovered three days later2 that the store contained, instead of a stash of food full enough to endure 3 summers, a healthy, bouncing, and over-enthusiastic Grasshopper with TWO ENTIRE DAY'S SUPPLY OF FOOD GONE!

    2 (not earlier, for the Grasshopper was well-concealed in the mountains that was the store's supply)

    --- And 'Twas Whisked out of the Stores, Bound by three Soldier Ants, Trotting down the Tunnels ---

    The Soldier Ant was furious, but it did not have the authority to deal with the Grasshopper. The Grasshopper was such an odd creature! How did the Grasshopper even survive so far, when it did not stock for winter? Beg for food? Raid anthills? These thoughts made the Ant even more full with rage as it led the Grasshopper to the lair of the Ant Queen where it will meet its eventual judgement and punishment.

    But the Ant Queen --- oh, bless the Ant Queen's soul --- wasn't even angry at the Grasshopper! Instead, it was rather... amused by the Grasshopper. Amongst all of the Ant Queen's repetitive tasks of great administrative import, here was a huge insect, that was not red but green, and had jaws so small it could not injure, despite its size! And as it talked one could see its emotions, so lively and vibrant as a clear day after a shower and without the laze of a hot day; the Grasshopper was evidently intimidated when it first met the Queen, with a tongue so nervous and transparently aristocratic it deserved no more than the attention bestowed upon a bureaucratic rogue worker -- a dose of Bring Me Food Pheromones3. But in seconds, as the Grasshopper heard the sound of its own voice (and the lack of the sound of a person interrupting him), it grew more confident (as though it did not know its status and position) and springy4,; a few seconds later, the Grasshopper seemed like it could not settle down (did it have ADD?) at all! By losing its glib tongue, the Grasshopper seemed more -- animated.

    3 (these pheromones did not work exactly as intended, as the Grasshopper was not an ant. The Ant Queen was quite puzzled by the Grasshopper's lack of reaction, hence the ant's silent caution towards the Grasshopper.)
    4 (The reason why the Grasshopper grew more confident is because all his life, he had not met anyone patient enough to listen to his babbling, i.e. storytelling)

    Back when it was in underground Heaven, the Grasshopper was scared to the bone when it saw movement along the ground (that was actually a worker Ant coming to the stores, smelling something unusual, and scrambling off). Next thing it knew, it smelt something that made him so incredibly fearful, it started hopping all over the place and causing a ruckus in general. It eventually discovered that the darkness below the mountains of corn was indeed terra firma, but that did not console it for long, for soon after came three painful and rough sets of pincers that very nearly crushed it, and dragged it to places that it could not imagine. As it was being dragged, it heard scratching, shuffling sounds, and balls of white travelling to and fro, only that these balls were bluish rather than yellowish. And sometimes, these balls were alive. Eventually, the pincers let go of him, and Grasshopper was thankful for that, but this was a very different place. It smelt of nitrates, but in a pleasant way. It was more airy here; but there was a cacophony of voices, a constant hum of activity from all around the Grasshopper that was ever so eerie. It jumped all over the place and discovered that this was, as before, a chamber, only larger, and that there was a corner of this chamber where a lot of those ghastly friar's lanterns it had seen while restrained by the pincers lay. It smartly avoided this place, for the brightness these things emanated did not look like that from a passageway out.

    "Who are you, and how did you get into the stores?"

    The Grasshopper began to realize, this sounded like Ant! But it had a voice so commanding, and maybe... this was a relative of Ant? The Grasshopper had a very, very distant cousin, as distant as the cockroaches; but the Grasshopper never got to know the males for long; once the more unfortunate ones married, their wives ate them to provide nourishment for its eggs. (even while they were having intercourse!) But its distant cousin no longer loved the Grasshopper, it always tried to eat the Grasshopper whenever it saw it. Surely the Ant's relative was kinder?

    "My most kindred whoever-you-are, I am a mere bug, and I collapsed outside of an Ant's hill. The next thing I knew, I was in an extremely dark place, as is it in here right now; I was starving and smelt corn and ate it, not caring of the consequences for I was at death's door. Dear whoever-you-are, I am a creature which may serve you well, for I have been to many places almost unimaginable; my knowledge will be of immense use to you and your... family."

    There was a long pause, which to the Grasshopper seemed as long as the time when he was being led about in the darkness by the pincers.

    "I see." the Ant Queen replied, and the Grasshopper was extremely relieved; the Grasshopper livened up, knowing that whoever-it-was was not going to eat it. In reality, the Ant Queen had not grasped even one bit of the Grasshopper's speech, the Ant Queen only knew that the Grasshopper had eaten its food, and that the Ant Queen must somehow find a way to get the Grasshopper to pay back the cost. The rest sounded like gibberish to the Ant Queen.

    But slightly curious that there would actually exist a creature that did not have food stored for the winter, the Ant Queen asked, "What were you doing last summer? It made you starve so badly that you actually ate from our stores that we toiled to fill."

    Grasshopper replied, with every mouthful it spoke rivaling the mouthful it spoke before that in words, because it was all too eager to share its personal reminiscences of summer, despite the current situation, "Hopping along the tips of the grass, jumping from blade to blade; did you know, the nearer to the tip of the blade, the grass adds a distance to my step? I feel as though I was jumping among those white cotton puffs that lay among the blue sky! Jumping among these puffs -- I call them 'clouds' -- should be like that, I imagine!"

    "And did you know, if you look closely at the grass, they have fine, bright fur! Now that I mention it, they look a lot like the scales you ants have on your legs!"

    "On the days that were rainy, I took refuge under those HUGE walls of ROCK that shoot up vertically and spread out, with very curious grass at the very end! But rain still passes through these curious 'trees' -- I call them 'trees' -- and when they do, they make a huge SPLASH, larger than the splashes you get from rain that does not fall from through these trees! But when it is sunny, you can see tiny stars through the trees, just like nighttime!"

    While the Grasshopper recounted its tales, an almost non-existent wave of jealousy and sadness swept over the Ant Queen, jealousy and sadness because it could not experience for itself first-hand the amazing world outside that so verily excited the Grasshopper. Still, the Grasshopper spoke with a lot of jargon -- what were "stars" anyway? When the Ant looked up at the night sky, all it saw was a canvas of black, for it was more physically shortsighted than the Grasshopper.

    The Ant Queen thought again, am I not already very happy tending to the hill? Managing my workers and storing our food because they say the winter will come some day? Why be like the Grasshopper, and see so many weird things, and starve in the winter? And what will these things do, how can they help me, when they don't even feed my hill? The Ant Queen did not see the point of the Grasshopper's escapades, only that these adventures brought the Grasshopper much joy, and that the Ant Queen itself was slightly afraid of such exploration.

    The Ant Queen made up its mind. Food is food. Facts are facts. The fact is that the Grasshopper had eaten food, and fairness dictates that the Grasshopper must rightfully pay back the cost. The Ants will provide food and shelter for the Grasshopper in the winter -- during summer, the Grasshopper, with its powerful jump, will assist the Ants in bringing back food, twice the amount of the food that the Ants provide.

    The Grasshopper agreed. It thought not all this that the Ant Queen had thought, for the Grasshopper was not an ant; to the Grasshopper, what the Ant had done was to provide the Grasshopper a stairway to life; not only will the Grasshopper be able to live with the Ants during this winter, the Grasshopper would also be working together with the Ants for the rest of the year! That meant that the Grasshopper would have many friends to talk to, friends who knew how to live well. This has been the most promising thing that had ever happened to the Grasshopper, better than his last discovery of "wheat"!

    And so it was that the Grasshopper came to live with the Ants for the winter, the Ants providing the Grasshopper with food, and the Grasshopper bouncing along the tunnels of the Ants, just because it was happy and because it could. At other times, it told tales of its adventures to the maggot-like larvae of the ants, not knowing that they were deaf.

    During summer, the Ants worked harder and happier than before, for this absurd creature which went to many places and knew a lot of useless facts loved them for their dependability and worked together with them, and they loved it back, especially with its geographical know-how that very occasionally aided them, and because the springiness in its step simply filled themselves with excitement and enthusiasm without needing a reason to be excited at all.

    Then, the Ant and the Grasshopper felt in themselves:

    It is best to have somebody else who simply likes doing such things help you do the things you don't like to do or find difficult to do. It would be disastrous if the Grasshopper hated the Ants instead, disastrous for the Grasshopper, and disastrous for the Ants.

    The End

    Points of Relevance of the Moral of the Story:

    1) Does a service-based capitalist economy where everybody does what he/she like for others sound familiar to you?

    2) First-world countries can be likened to the Grasshopper, with novel technology at every corner, and China and India can be likened to the Ants, though, the food scares imply a considerable number of rogue workers (the Government truly playing out the role of the Ant Queen.)

    3) This "moral" can be said to be a consequence of some popular sayings. Opposites attract, or so some common sayings dictate. Duals attract, or so some theories indicate (Dual being a jargon word of that theory (I won't say what theory it is, it has little empirical evidence)). Similarly, the Singapore Government has at times been called "authoritarian", but I like to think of it as simply dominating, with a say in many aspects of the population, causing the population to simply follow-through with the Government's policies, and voicing dislike in a victimized, complaining manner, with no real intention to forge their own path. (Several aggressive parties and we're all doomed XD.)

    P.S. As for the years to come, the Grasshopper no longer had reason to dread winter. Also, I need someone to edit this story to provide corporeal details like yucky, brilliant, rough, solid, heavy, light, smile, frown, etc. etc. I TOTALLY SUCK AT THOSE. TOTALLY. All I can do is vapid, insipid, wafting, amity, etc. etc. And that makes my story ultra rushed, like a train which had suddenly lost the use of its brakes. THX.

    P.P.S Will be adding some content from over here if I'm not lazy.

    Saturday, October 18, 2008

    Making exponents a reality.

    The bacteria example:


    y is the amount of bacteria you have in the end, a and b are colonies of bacteria you start with


    In this case, if y is a negative value, like in y=-3 there is a fire that will roast your bacteria before it is doused from excessive carbon (read: dead bodies). (say, 3.)


    Your bacteria arrange a meeting. After an instantaneous discussion, they agree to split up. Each bacterium isolates itself in a corner and undergoes n-ary fission (like, if n=2 => binary fission). After pioneering a colony, each colony return back to give you y.

    a is negative

    The stick providing your bonfire finds fellow sticks and spreads the fire to them.


    Your bacteria face a devastating crisis. There is a shortage of food. Desperately, your bacteria arrange a meeting. All does not sail well. Vehement insults and curses are traded in the course of an instant. The bacteria take sides (totaling n factions). Each bacterium decides to join a smaller group for it will then be able to get more food. The remaining bacterium which cannot make up their mind decide to split themselves into n parts and join each faction. Unfortunately, due to the lack of sustenance, these poor spawn all fail to be an entire bacterium; only facets of a bacterium, only to become complete when otherwise circumstances allow them to grow (read: multiplication). In the end, only one faction survives; the others all lose their way.


    In this case, your bacteria suffer from chronic indecision and all decide to split themselves up to as many parts as there are parts among the whole colony of bacteria. To this present day and age, they are still splitting up. (assuming that physics and chemistry is all a lie.)

    a is negative

    In this case, the sticks providing your bonfire wrestles with each other. Eventually, some triumph over the rest.

    b is negative

    In this case somebody from out of the bacterium world sneezes and your bacteria civilization realizes that it is somehow missing some people because it lives in the nose instead of gaining some because it lives outside.


    Your bacteria gets eaten by a monster. The monster starts to vomit because it contracted salmonella. Upon further observation, we notice that the rate of which the amount of bacteria swallowed is exponentially proportional to the germs vomited.

    Friday, October 17, 2008

    Creative Crap from the other blog licensed under Creative Commons 3.0 (or later) Attribution

    >>> File system

    My idea for a file system

    1. The entire root directory is divided into locations ("location" is synonymous with "directory" and "folder")
    2. Each location has an index associated with it
    3. A location can lead to files and locations with a higher index ("lead to" is synonymous with "link to" and "contain").
    4. A location can be led to by more than one location
    5. Locations of the same index may be grouped under a tag
    6. If all locations under the same tag are led by locations that are of indices less than the index of the locations under the same tag by 2, the indices of all locations under the same tag are reduced by 1

    * What is currently meta-information of files, like dates and file extensions can now instead have a hierarchical system of their own

    An example,

    A photo of Bob, Bob_photo, will be directly led by Photos and and Bob. The location Bob contains too much stuff. To access the photo, a user searches under the location Bob and led by the location Photos.

    Photos is led by Pictures.

    Pictures is led by User Files.

    User Files is led by User Data.

    User Data leads to User Files and to User Accounts.

    User Accounts lead to Bob and to Mary.

    Some of the locations that lead to Bob are,

    M24, MJune, M2007, jpg, C10, CMarch, C2007.

    M24 is led by Modified, Day, 24. // Day that Photo is a Day, because 24 can also be a year.

    M2007 is led by Modified, 2007. //Modified location tells that 2007 is a date, a year.

    MJune is led by Modified, June.

    24 is led by Day.

    2007 is led by Year. //Year folder tells that 2007 is a valid year.

    June is led by Month.

    Day, Year and Month is led by Date.

    C10, CMarch and C2007 are similar to the breakdown of M24, MJune and M2007.

    jpg is led by jpg, File Extensions. //Index difference.

    jpg /*The one of the lower index.*/ leads to jpg, jpeg /*File extensions.*/ and is led by File Extensions.

    File Extensions and Date are led to by Metadata.

    >>> BurpPage

    Several burps. Will be updated.


    when you change some to full awe becomes that bespoke of a fool.

    This is what happens when the printer starts to print

    Love can drown in more love

    I wonder if it's all too late. Nah, can't be.

    >>> Intensity

    Confound life and death
    What matters truer
    Are laughs and love

    >>> s,tut,ter

    1. Sometimes I go a-stut-ter
    2. And stut-ter
    3. And you feel a stut-ter
    4. And the conversation stut-ters
    5. And your opinion of me goes shat-ter
    6. And my reputation goes bad-der
    7. And my head goes crap-per
    8. And my life comes to a damning halt


    >>> Haplessly 'pataphorical

    The metal pipe squeaked.
    The yellow cat glowed.
    The red smiled.
    Dark green was unhappy.

    God's in his heaven, all's right with the world.

    Floral ponds strewn about the deep azure sky lazily drifted past. Flowers withered and flowers bloomed again, such is

    the great cycle of Nature. Bulls squashed by frogs grinned, infatuated with their own smiles.

    People are birthed and people are deathed.
    We get up from our birth de(a)d and fall to our death be(a)d.
    We fall along waterfalls and rise along risingair.
    We forget the insignificant memories and commit the significant dreams.

    Killing and strife are rife.
    Drunkards and caffeine addicts a 3-in-1.
    Mixed and mingled together yet for all to see a barrier invisible to each other.
    Reasonably hypocritical we stand together, banished are them unreasonably hyperanalytical.


    I lost the handball post.

    A throughly misguided interpretation of a facet of the state of art and social culture in Singapore

    My Dear Angst-filled and Introverted Moralizers of Much Criticism toward the Inferiors of Much Want in the Functions of the Perceptive Powers (i.e. Stupid People),

    This post is hereby addressed to you. Note that all statistics I post are only an exceedingly rough estimation I conjure up in my head in the matter of a tenth of a second. As I begin, let me point this out: The Singapore Government is great. It has a foresight like no other. It mediates the Western "freedom" worldview with our Eastern "conservative" worldview like no other.

    • A comparison with other Asian countries should show that... China's largely authoritarian policies has caused a lot of headaches for America and other countries. The subset of "Most Idiotic Citizens" that comprise part of the population of the latter countries (and of every other country, for that matter) are thy proselytizers of everything anti-Chinese, anti-communist. There is latent prejudice amongst the population of America against China effected by the influence of "Most Idiotic Citizens" because of the dissonance in philosophies.

    • Japan's policies have largely abandoned (were they there in the first place? Or was their culture already like that to begin with? Someone with expertise on the subject please tell me.) the conservative values that are so integral to Singapore. Yes, Japan is an economic success. Yes, Japan is a political disaster. And yes, the people of Japan are head-confound-ing-ly wise to maintain such harmony despite that. Recycling policies blah, blah, blah. But not a "successful" Singapore. Y'see, in Japan, there are no highly religious people. Y'see, in Japan, prostitution and sick fetishes are rife. Y'see, in Japan, everybody is somehow crazy in their minds.

    • North Korea doesn't deserve a more comprehensive mention in my list.

    • South Korea is The Blessed Land of Drama Serials and Christians who realize that corruption amongst CEOs of big-name companies like Hyundai is OK.

    • Taiwan and HK... are countries which I have only a very deficit and vague knowledge of. Even though Taiwan is a diplomatic disaster, I get that impression that the average person in these countries is pretty much like Singapore's, only less intense in faith and moral issues, and with the creative domain somewhat reflective of Japan (game shows & comics) and Korea (celebrities).

    UFOs! Alien conspiracies! Your tax money's gone to fund Senator (ABC)'s villa on a Caribbean island! Your father's an FBI!

    Sadly, Singapore will not entertain such bullshit. Such phenomena are hallucinations of paranoia by dissidents smoking marijuana. Estimating, 1% of Singapore's sensible population will ever have the novelty of coming up with something so incomprehensibly ridiculous.

    Yet in each of them -- UFOs, crop circles, conspiracies -- lies some irresistible attraction that just makes people want to believe in them. Some of these phenomena even have cults for them. Press interviews with these thoroughly misguided people serve as comic relief that only makes their trusting, infantile nature only more lovely, but we remember ourselves that such chaotic ideas ought to be suppressed because they result in pathetic failures such as the aforementioned hypothetical cult people.

    By comparison, I believe few in Singapore ever hit upon publicizing such insanity. One notable exception is Jack Neo. In his films are stereotypes and characters acting out laughably close-minded roles. Each are a reflection of the hidden goals and agendas (read: memes) of Singaporeans that few discuss openly but everyone assumes naturally. None of these have much attractive power. That's that. Singapore's dull.

    And that is why thy Artistic Aspirers of Singapore feel enfettered in this island. It is not Singapore's small size, for sure; for the smaller the island, the easier it is to reach out. (Then Why?) It is not the lack of an arts scene in Singapore; oh yes, there is a hustling, bustling citadel in Singapore's heartland that the Apprentice of Expression would feel at home in. (Then Why?)

    The big problem is this: there is no way to make the people who are not interested interested. When you go to Thy Art Citadel, you meet people; people who secretly want to appear to be rich, people who love artistic expression, people who seem so perfect in everything they do, people who are at the frontier of fashion, people of happy families, people who have in their head immeasurable knowledge, people who love to think of themselves as connoisseurs, people, all kinds of people; people who seem to be from all walks of life.

    Never the majority of our population who work reveille to crepuscule and clock in overtime to support their families with neither excess funds nor time to spare, who start the day defeated and end the day late, tired and grumpy, who look upon our passion with much resentment at our lack of empathy towards their damnable purgatory, who put food on our table and turn to their weak yet irrationally stubborn faith for a promised reward to their perspiration, because they are much too busy to partake in our revel; depressingly, these people are far too distant to reach out.

    Never our parents, the people who make our excitement possible.

    Tuesday, October 7, 2008

    Vista and lousy installs.

    Using a Vista system?
    Have UAC activated and installing a lot of software that give you errors because you did not install it with root privileges?

    I got fed up with Apache installations failing, MsiAppLocale installations failing and who knows what others!

    Some installers are conscientious. They tell you that you have to fire up a root command prompt and execute msiexec through the command line. But the command line is so confusing for beginners!

    Here's an alternative solution. Go to C:>Windows>system32 and right-click msiexec.exe. Go to the Security tab, and check the Run as Administrator option.

    There! Finally. Rest assured.