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    Monday, November 24, 2008

    What the agnostic is saying

    I believe that in the real world, agnostics are viewed with skepticism. I mean, why would you respect a person who chooses to "weasel" out on religion?

    After reading an article which used the word agnostic as a metaphor, I realized that there can be a different perspective on agnostics. Specifically, "agnostic" was thus used "a platform-agnostic OS".

    The usual description of such an OS would be "platform-independent"

    And then I realized. Agnostic may not really mean "I don't care about religion"

    It may mean "It doesn't matter what religion the world subscribes to, I am myself, and will function equally well as a human being no matter what religion you are. I am independent of religion; religion-independent."

    Agnostics FTW.

    Update: Agnostics FTW, as long as they aren't human.